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November 6, 2011

I absolutely love the food in Italy (I mean how could I not??), but I have been craving Mexican food like no other.  And guess what we found in Madrid?!  Mexican food!  The restaurant, La Mordida, came highly recommended to us, and we knew we had to search it out.  Spanish food and Mexican food are quite different so we felt lucky to find a Mexican restaurant that was actually supposed to have good food.  And the food lived up to our expectations!  We ordered nachos with guacamole (which reminded me of late nights at Rendezvous at UCLA) and chicken fajitas.  Yum.

The restaurant itself had a fun, Mexican fiesta style atmosphere with bright colors (pink chairs!) and wall murals.  I loved it!  It also happened to be right by Plaza de España, and I was glad I got to see that plaza as well.  Every major city in Spain has a Plaza de España that pays tribute to Don Quixote.  This plaza was no exception and featured a monument dedicated to Miguel de Cervantes as well as a bronze sculpture of Don Quixote.

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