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A Weekend in Roma

November 29, 2011

Two weekends ago, one of my close friends from home, Chelsea, came to visit me in Rome, and I had the pleasure of showing her around the city.  Some highlights of the weekend included:

Seeing all of the monuments in Rome at night – My time in Rome is winding down, and it was so much fun to do all of the “touristy” things one more time.


{In front of the Pantheon with Chelsea}

{Piazza Navona}

Trying Fluid for the first time – Fluid is a fun aperitivo bar conveniently located near my school.  The floor and tables are all brightly colored, and you can push down on the table or the floor in order to make the fluid inside of it move.  The food that came with my drink—a Raspberry Symphony (raspberry puree and Prosecco)—was absolutely delicious.


{With my drink}

{What the tables look like}

{A sampling of some of the food}

Going to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel – Although I have gone countless times to St. Peter’s Basilica, I had yet to see the Vatican Museums or the Sistine Chapel.  The Vatican Museums were extensive, and we enjoyed wandering through them before making our way to the Sistine Chapel.  The Sistine Chapel was incredibly crowded, but it was still quite beautiful to see.


{Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel}

Going to Dar Poeta – To say I am obsessed with this restaurant is an understatement.  I absolutely love this pizzeria, and I must say it is the best pizza in Rome.  The nutella-ricotta calzone is a must, and despite the fact that I am always stuffed after finishing my pizza, I order this dessert calzone each and every time. 

{So delicious!}

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